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However, Detroit rockers the Electric Six almost always elicit audible titters, guffaws, and/or chortles from me, even through dozens of listens. Fergus & Geronimo's “ Roman Numerals,” which is a similarly unmotivated list of phenomena that use the titular characters, precisely selected for maximum funniness (“Super Bowl sweatshirts” is my favorite). The Replacements' delicious attack on flight attendants, “ Waitress in the Sky,” which consistently cracks me up with its unmotivated viciousness (“Struttin' up the aisle/Big deal, you get to fly/You ain't nothin' but a waitress in the sky”).Ģ. Racking my brain for this essay, I was only able to think of two such songs:ġ. But it's rare to find a song that continues to make me laugh no matter how many times I revisit it.

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There are countless songs that have made me laugh in my rock-geek career, from Fannypack's naughty double-dutch chant “ Cameltoe” to Bill Callahan's somewhat more sophisticated “ Eid Ma Clack Shaw,” whose final verse cleverly yanks the rug out from under the truly affecting lyrics preceding it.

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